"The truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped" - Ed Snowden, June 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

FLASH: Ed Snowden to meet with human rights groups in Moscow today at 16:30 Moscow Time - invite letter here, statement expected after meeting

I have been extremely fortunate to enjoy and accept many offers of support
and asylum from brave countries around the world. These nations have my
gratitude, and I hope to travel to each of them to extend my personal
thanks to their people and leaders. By refusing to compromise their
principles in the face of intimidation, they have earned the respect of
the world.

Unfortunately, in recent weeks we have witnessed an unlawful campaign by
officials in the U.S. Government to deny my right to seek and enjoy this
asylum under Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The
scale of threatening behavior is without precedent: never before in
history have states conspired to force to the ground a sovereign
President's plane to effect a search for a political refugee. This
dangerous escalation represents a threat not just to the dignity of Latin
America or my own personal security, but to the basic right shared by
every living person to live free from persecution.

I invite the Human Rights organizations and other respected individuals
addressed to join me on 12 July at 5:00PM at Sheremetyevo Airport in
Moscow for a brief statement and discussion regarding the next steps
forward in my situation. Your cooperation and support will be greatly
appreciated in this matter.

Edward Joseph Snowden

Please meet at 4.30pm at Sheremetyevo airport in Terminal F, in the centre
of the arrival hall. Someone from airport staff will be waiting there to
receive you with a sign labelled "G9". Please bring a copy of this invite
and ID to show that you work for your organization as security will likely
be tight at this meeting. A maximum of three people are able to attend
from each organization. For any questions please contact the airport
administration on +8 916-816-4335



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