"The truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped" - Ed Snowden, June 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fox News claims that Ed Snowden "has the potential to do further damage to the country". Fox News of course intentionally and deceptively confusing "US Government" for "Country"

Brainwashing is an art, and Fox News is an artist.

Note to Fox News - bringing light to an American government who is exercising illegal and unconstitutional behavior in an attempt to stop said illegal and unconstitutional behavior may indeed be causing that current GOVERNMENT harm, but in no way, shape or form is it harming the American people, or America.

Please note the difference.  

But of course you won't be doing that. It doesn't fit your developing Snowden "narrative"

Here are the artists at Fox News painting their masterpiece:

"Glenn Greenwald, a columnist for The Guardian newspaper who first reported on the intelligence leaks, told Argentinian newspaper La Nacion that the U.S. government should exercise extreme care with Snowden because he has the potential to do further damage to the country."

Meanwhile, here's what Greenwald ACTUALLY said:

"I think it would be harmful to the U.S. government, as they perceive their own interests, if the details of those programs were revealed,

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