"The truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped" - Ed Snowden, June 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Ecuador Foreign Minister bitch slaps the US Security Industrial Complex, defends Ed Snowden - “It should be asked, who betrayed whom? Is this betraying the citizens of the world, or betraying some elites that are in power in a certain country?"

This, I believe, would be called a 'smack down'.

Here's Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino pointing out the blatent hypocracy of the Obama administration and their masters in the US Security Industrial Complex.  

Ed Snowden hasn't betrayed America, or the American people.  He is an American hero, and will be celebrated for decades to come.  No, he hasn't betrayed us.  

He has honored us.

Has Edward Snowden betrayed people of the world or certain elites in a particular country, asked Ecuador Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino as he confirmed that the whistleblower was in Russia following the asylum bid the South American country.

Patino said on Monday that human rights principles were the most important consideration in the case of former CIA contractor.

Ecuador has been in contact with the Russian government over Edward Snowden and has informed Russia that it is considering him asylum appeal, Ecuador’s Foreign Minister said at a press conference in Hanoi on Monday.

He stressed that the Ecuadorian government puts human rights above any other party’s interests. Patino also said it is “paradoxical” the person who revealed alleged rights violations is being “persecuted.” 

“It should be asked, who betrayed whom,” Patino stressed as he questioned the correctness of calling Snowden’s leak a “treason.”

“Is this betraying the citizens of the world, or betraying some elites that are in power in a certain country?” the Minister asked.

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