"The truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped" - Ed Snowden, June 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stanford and Virginia Law Professors in the NY Times - "It’s time to call the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs what they are: criminal."

Mass surveillance.

Warantless eavesdropping.

Global intrusion of privacy.

This is what America has signed up for.  This is what Americans are allowing.  Taking it lying down.  No protest.  Limited outrage.  Constitution smonstitution. 

Wake the f*ck up America.  

Seriously, wake the f*ck up.

What the Obama regime is doing is a crime.  

The Criminal N.S.A.
Published: June 27, 201

THE twin revelations that telecom carriers have been secretly giving the National Security Agency information about Americans’ phone calls, and that the N.S.A. has been capturing e-mail and other private communications from Internet companies as part of a secret program called Prism, have not enraged most Americans. Lulled, perhaps, by the Obama administration’s claims that these “modest encroachments on privacy” were approved by Congress and by federal judges, public opinion quickly migrated from shock to “meh.”

We may never know all the details of the mass surveillance programs, but we know this: The administration has justified them through abuse of language, intentional evasion of statutory protections, secret, unreviewable investigative procedures and constitutional arguments that make a mockery of the government’s professed concern with protecting Americans’ privacy. It’s time to call the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs what they are: criminal.

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